CODE SW4.1.01

General features
Simul 3D is a three-dimensional simulation environment created to analyse the machine movements.
This application shows a 3D model of the machine, allowing you to view:
the movements of the machine mechanical limbs;
the workings run on the piece;
the movements of the tools;
the eventual collisions between tools and the panel blocking devices;
the precise calculation of the working time for every piece.
Functional features
This software is particularly well suited – as well as to create advertising demos – to evaluate the production time necessary for one or more types of panel, and overall to check the feasibility of the panels themselves, as thanks to Simul 3D, we can analyse eventual collisions or anomalies with the machine movements. Moreover, with Simul 3D we can test the machine cycles of the prototypes we have not created yet, so to minimize the on-machine test hours and the eventual damages caused by cycle bugs. A version of the machine 3D model (static mode) is also available in the management application of the technology parameters. The generation and introduction in the machine of the tool 3D models takes place during the machine tooling.
Fidelity of machine models;
realism of movements of the mechanical limbs and the machine tools;
high reliability of running time;
reliable analysis of piece feasibility, as far as collision tests are concerned;
appealing graphical interface that can be used as advertising demo.